Learning Industry Buying Plans & Trends for 2012

Learning Industry Buying Plans & Trends for 2012

Original price was: $295.00.Current price is: $95.00.

Learning Industry Buying Plans & Trends for 2012 summarizes the results of a custom, primary research study conducted by Cox eLearning Consultants, LLC. With economic conditions constraining the expansion of many companies in recent years, the question of growth – particularly related to the acquisition of e-learning technologies – is at the top of everyone’s minds.



Learning Industry Buying Plans & Trends for 2012 summarizes the results of a custom, primary research study conducted by Cox eLearning Consultants, LLC. With economic conditions constraining the expansion of many companies in recent years, the question of growth – particularly related to the acquisition of e-learning technologies – is at the top of everyone’s minds. The major findings of the study include:

  • the projected buying trends for learning solutions in 2012 and beyond;
  • the features that are most important in a variety of learning solutions;
  • the features that influence the acquisitions of learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS);
  • and the applications that various e-learning technologies are expected to support.

The differences in buying trends among North American organizations versus those in Europe, South Africa, Australia, and the Middle East are also discussed. A section of predictions for 2012 discusses the trends that the industry is most likely to experience.

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